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Diabetes 2015 – Care in Crisis

Almost 40 per cent of people with diabetes believe the NHS has “worsened” since the £1.1bn health service reforms, according to a new survey.

Around 2.5 million people with the condition have not received high-quality structured education despite the risk of serious complications. This has been shown in a wide-sweeping report laying bare the state of diabetes care in England.

The InDependent Diabetes Trust’s (IDDT) report, ‘Diabetes 2015: Care in Crisis’ based on a survey of more than 15,000 people, has revealed that nearly 40 percent were not given appropriate advice and information about diet and exercise at the time of diagnosis.

Care in Crisis (full report)
Care in Crisis Summary
Care in Crisis Summary of Questionnaire
Letter to Jeremy Hunt
Press release

InDependent Diabetes Trust